Originally Posted By: DWallach
For the price, I don't see how you could have done better. The alternative might be a cheap TV with built-in Internet-ish features. You can get a 40" Sony Google TV for ~$600.

$600 was right out. 40" (even 32") wouldn't work in that bathroom. More importantly, if the display somehow reacts badly to a humid environment? $99 refurb. oh well. not horrible. $600? ow.

That said, we have the Insignia 32" Connected (which was less) in our living room. Works well.

I'm tempted to try Seas0nPass again, see if I can downgrade it to Apple TV 4.3 so it can boot untethered, and get Plex going on it for her also, at which point the TiVoToGo plugin *might* work.