Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I have had extraordinary results (product and support) from a company called Arriva with their iPod Shuffle headphones. They have discontinued them, and now offer a Bluetooth headset.

Although I'm not interested in that model of headset, your link made me find something much more interesting to me. When I skimmed their web site, I was fascinated by their partnering with Acoustibuds. I had never seen that product before, and it seemed very interesting and useful. So I ordered some (they're cheap) and they're not bad at all!

Because my househould contains several ipods and iphones, those little white earbuds are lying around everywhere, collecting dust because they sound so terrible when compared to proper seal-in earbuds like the Fontopias. Although they don't work miracles, the Acoustibuds go a long way towards achieving the same thing the Fontopias et al do. When using the Acoustibuds with a pair of ipod headphones, I notice a small but distinct increase in bass response in the lowest frequencies, a large reduction in ambient noise, increased wearability and comfort, and a greater tendency to stay put in my ears. Suddenly all those ipod headphones are usable again.

Curious what else was on the market, I did some googling and also discovered these earbud covers which are more fontopia-like, and ordered some to try out. They haven't arrived yet, but I'm curious if they have the same kind of result.
Tony Fabris