Originally Posted By: tfabris
It certainly looks like there's a chance of success there. They Acoustibuds definitely stay in place on me when I jam them in there nice and tight. Let us know how it goes. :-)
Agreed. No problems keeping the Acoustibuds in my ears. But big problem keeping the Acoustibuds attached to the earbuds.

The Acoustibuds are made of Silicone, and no adhesive known to man will stick to them. If I clean the outside of the earbuds and the inside of the Acoustibuds with soap and water, then with alcohol, they will stay attached for a few days. But then normal skin oils work their way in and make things slippery and when I pull them out of my ear, the earbuds come out and the acoustibuds stay in.

RTV Silicone will work for a while, but eventually it comes loose from the Acoustibuds.

My latest attemp is to make three pointy little epoxy pyramids spaced around the outer rim of the earbud, and stretch the Acoustibuds over them. If the epoxy holds on the earbuds, this may work. I'll let you know.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"