Originally Posted By: taym
electrons flow "better" in one direction than in another. Did you know that?

Did I know that? I used to be an electron conductor before I was homeless.

But, a counter-argument was actually brought to the table, according to which you should swap cables connectors periodically or cables will spoil, over time, and eelctron flow will be negatively affected. And therefore audio quality.

That was one of the services I performed, when it was too late to simply conduct/control the electrons. Kind of expensive too, what with the special shoes and gloves. But the maintenance service was a much better option and with only one visit every 5.673 months, I could prevent that from happening and you wouldn't have to swap cables around.

I don't know if I still have my electron conductor's wand though. It might be here somewhere in this shopping cart under the tin foil hat..
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