It's true that I can put more types of files on there now but what's it to them. The size of the files is all that should matter to google not if it's a jpg or a pdf. That's why I always thought it was so dumb that I couldn't upload any file I wanted already. I have just been attaching them to an email and storing them in gmail.

I don't really care about the structure I just want someplace online I can put my files I don't wanna lose. I don't have a ton of stuff so if could be a long time before my 80GB is full.

I haven't looked at any other photo storage because I have been happy paying 20 bucks a year for 80GB on Picasa for years but when I fill up my 80 I will be looking.

Anyway, I'm a pretty big fan of it already, but that should surprise nobody here. The launch of Drive actually got me to finish off a project I've been meaning to finish for a long time. I've been collecting PDF manuals for all the stuff in our house, and I'd started organizing them on Google Docs so I could share them with my wife and we wouldn't have to have the usual "drawer of manuals." I'd uploaded a bunch of them already, but I had about 40 of them that were still thrown into a folder awaiting renaming and uploading.

That is what made me look at the prices. I started putting all of the manual I have pdf's of on there and noticed my space shrinking so I checked out the prices.

It's too big of a price increase at once. If my 44 ounce diet coke I paid 1.50 for today is 4 bucks tomorrow I will not be buying even if it was still a deal compared to the competition.
