Yeah, it sounds like you're fuzzy on what I'm trying to do, Bruno.

First off, no, I DO NOT want remap the whole key. I don't want to replace the functions of the CTRL key, I want to add to them.

Yes, it's easy to make the ctrl key switch between tabs, because it already does that. I want it to also do the things the command key and option key do. The keyboard prefs definitely don't appear to have this capability, and neither does the app I mentioned. I looked at keyboard prefs, and it doesn't appear, for example, like I can turn "control+C" into copy. Am I wrong?

Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Hey, at least the Finder has keyboard shortcuts. Do they even exist in Explorer yet? But you should probably be using PathFinder instead of Finder anyway (where everything is reconfigurable).

I'm not sure what you mean by this. AFAICT, Finder is very different from Explorer. And Explorer has tons of keyboard shortcuts. So yeah, I'm not understanding you here.