I loved my 7D, great choice Mark.

And I spoke in the past tens because I have my little story to tell you guys too: in few days I sold my 7D+10.22mm and got a 6D, with just 200 Euro extra.
That's the surprising (to me) power of "annunci.ebay.it" which, I now realize, half of the country is watching day and night.
annunci.ebay.it is a Craiglist type of service eBay.it has here, which I had no idea could be so popular. As I've been thinking of a full frame camera for a while, I decided one night (around midnight!) to post my 7D and the only EF-S lens I have (10/22mm) ads, without thinking too much - after all I was very happy with my 7D.
The morning after, I had tens (!!) of emails from all over Italy for both pieces. Wow!
So, in the end I thought: why not? It's Christmas after all and that will be my present to myself, I guess. In two days the entire operation was done and I am now the very happy owner of a Canon EOS 6D!

Now I am in the market, in the long term, for either a 17-40mm or a 16-35mm to replace my old 10-22mm.