
I wish somebody on the BBS had piped up earlier and told you about the Digital River wormhole. It would have saved you a lot of aggravation and worry. Essentially, everything on the US eStore has to go through the wormhole, and the exit times are a bit unpredictable. I know that Rob, as used as he is to providing excellent customer service, gets a bit perturbed about this and tries to influence wormhole entry/exit intervals, but he should just relax, take some time off to write a spy novel, and let interdimensional eStore movement take its course.

In April 2001, I began my effort to get 2 additonal sleds for my Empeg. In July, I was able to get one by sending an e-mail to the president of Rio and *offering* to drive to Portland, Oregon to retrieve it. His able assitant was apparently able to leap in front of a single sled before it entered the wormhole and she packed it up and sent it to me just in time for a holiday road trip (not the way I like to do business, but it did the trick. I hope her sutures healed nicely!)

Week before last, Rob observed that the wormhole had opened and that sleds and adapters were available on the eStore. I ordered a 3rd sled. Luckily, I did not order an AC adapter (having already ordered 2 AC adapters from All Electronics), so my order was not delayed by this bit of faulty intelligence (You see, the adapters had been seen at the verge of the wormhole but had been sucked back in!!).

When I returned Monday from a work trip, the box with Sled #3 was waiting at my mail drop. When I looked at the date of manufacture on the sticker on the sled, I saw that it said Novermber 17th, 2000 -- about 266 days ago -- conclusive evidence that the wormhole exists.



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.