This is my problem. I DO NOT really want to get rid of this headunit.

Good luck in finding a way to make two DIN units fit. I don't know anything about BMWs, so I don't know if it's feasible or not. If you don't have room in your dash for a second head unit, though, the empeg probably won't work in the trunk.

Do consider using the empeg as your only head unit. I know it's a hard decision to drop the other head unit, and I respect that. But the empeg makes a great "only stereo", and I don't miss my old head unit at all. If CD playback is necessary for you, a portable in the glove box (with the empeg's aux-in lines accessible) will do fine.

Does the empeg have the ability to steer a subwoofer internally? Or will I have to finetune the sound on the amps themself? (I would really hate that)

The empeg does not have a separate subwoofer output, sorry. It only has stereo front and rear outputs controlled by a fader.

But think about it. Once you've got things set right, how often do you touch the fader in your system? After I balanced my amps, my fader was always set in the exact center. So I eventually re-wired it so that my rear outputs go to the subwoofer, and the front outputs drive all the other speakers. Now my fader is my subwoofer level control. You might want to consider wiring it that way.

I do believe it's got a built in equalizer too?

Yes. Twenty bands (well, OK ten bands if you want L/R to be the same), with each band being totally parametric. I don't think any other consumer-level car stereo has anything nearly that advanced. It's probably the most powerful EQ you'll ever use.

If you want, you can make it be five separate bands for front and rear outputs, too. EQ the fronts and the rears differently if you like. Very powerful.

I've noticed on these boards that the Empeg HQ is located in Cambridge (right?). This is not that far from here. Is it possible to drive up to there and buy a unit directly from these guys?

I don't know if they'll sell you one directly or not (Rob?), but you definitely can bring your unit there to get it serviced if (god forbid) it ever needs it. Hugo himself will probably be the one doing the work.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris