Originally Posted By: Dignan
Are you talking about the tile interface? I never use that.

No, I suppose I could learn to live with that. What I mean is the app store and siri (cortana). I can totally understand why they want to do that, but it does me no good as I don't want that stuff outside of the ipads...

Originally Posted By: Dignan
For all intents and purposes, 10 is very much like 7. I don't like auto-updates, and I insist on using the control panel, but for the most part it feels the same to me...

It's different in a lot of ways too, like most of my software, including MS stuff, wouldn't run on it. All the stuff I use does everything I need, I don't wanna spend thousands just to keep doing that same stuff.

Also, there's no XP virtual machine for the very few things I need that for. I started setting up vmware, but quickly decided there was more fun ways to spend a few hours. smile

What I'd really love to see is a desktop ipad with mouse and large screen, and could run quicken. That way maybe I could end the decades long nighmare of dealing with my friends' and family's never ending petty problems with windows.