This thread makes me wonder about the generalized case of what Tahir brought up in the original post question.

If a pass code/touch ID was set how do you deal with the owner passing away?

In my adult lifetime I have seen:
- Widespread access to networking technology become the norm.
- The beginning of the internet.
- The concept of personal online privacy and security come into being.
- The beginning of cloud computing.
- Widespread practice of storing personal information and communications in distributed online systems.

I haven't died yet. In fact, we're still at the point where the number of people who have died since these things became true is still pretty small, relatively speaking. My feeling is that this isn't yet a well covered area in terms of "best practices".

I'm wondering what we should be doing about this? Both at a personal level and as a culture/species? Like, should I be giving my passwords to loved ones now?
Tony Fabris