Originally Posted By: peter
NOS/255307918359056> ping 'telnetd -l sh -p 9999'

Those are apostrophes ''''', but you need backticks `````.

Also, you can try locating the telnetd binary on the modem, and using its full path. Most likely, it is in /usr/sbin/, so that would mean trying these:

ping `/usr/sbin/telnetd -l sh -p 9999`
## Using backquote, often found at top left of a PC keyboard on the tilde (~) key.
## But really, the use of ping with quotes here makes no sense to me.


/usr/sbin/telnetd -l sh -p 9999

If it still says something like "Unrecognized command", then you will have to find exactly where telnetd is hiding. This might work for that:

find / -name telnetd