That seemed to work! I have an mfg file on the USB drive. I also need to extract the .der files located at: /etc/rootcert/*.der

Then that should be it!

How would I modify the earlier code to make that work? I tried modifying your commands but didn't get anywhere. It's got more folders to it so it's a bit confusing. This is what I intended to try, but it failed at mounting etc/rootcert due to no such file or directory. Hopefully something obvious I'm doing incorrectly!

modprobe usb-storage                                           
mkdir /tmp/usb                                                  
mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/usb                                        
mount mtd:/etc/rootcert/ -t jffs2 /etc/rootcert/             
cp /etc/rootcert/*.der /tmp/usb/                                
umount /etc/rootcert/                                           
umount /tmp/usb                                                 

Edited by maczrool (16/03/2019 23:42)
If you want it to break, buy Sony!