I am looking for a new car to buy in the next 2-3 months and have been looking at a lot of models. Most of the GM cars have a steering wheel remote to their head unit. The car I am looking at, the Pontiac Aztec GT, actually has 2 control units in it to control the 10 speaker Pioneer system. (One in the steering wheel and one in the back of the car where the tent option goes.) Now I have read the FAQ topic 'Can I hook up a steering wheel remote to Empeg?' and know that you can hook this up with an adaptor that would convert the signal from the controls into the Sony Media Stick signals and control the Empeg.

My question is has someone done this yet? I know it can be done but would like to hear from someone whom has done it. The FAQ is good in letting me know it can be done but the supporting sites just confuse me on how to do it. The adaptor site looks useful but I wouldn't know which adaptor to buy, how to hook it up, or if it would even work. Also, it looks like this type of remote is on all GM cars so I would hope someone has done this kind of modification before.


P.S. I am not dead set on the Aztec GT and am looking for an SUV type of vehicle for my growing family. Any suggestions would be welcomed.