From what I remember, GB had the CIA train the forces in Afghanistan to fight against pockets of Russian Communists they feared there. Then the US left them high and dry once the cold war funding dried up and support dried up. There were stories that the CIA may have captured key people in the groups they trained to calm that situation but it fueled it instead. Bin Lauden probably has a good grudge against the US because of it and is highly trained by our own people.

One key thing John Clansy mentioned was about how people are comparing this to other attacks; specifically Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor was an attack on the military. This was an attack on civilians. How you term it all depends on perspective. "Terrorism" "Freedom fight" "War" it's all the same thing. One person killing someone else over possessions or idealism.

What I fear is the counter-attack from the US that willfall on people involved with this attack on civilians. You can tell that Powell and GWB have been waiting for something like this to happen to flex their muscles. I think they wished for too much.

My hopes and wishes for a better life and world go out to everyone in hopes that one day we can all live in peace without terror.