PLEASE let the experts deal with this. Yesterday in quiet Brisbane, Australia, a school bus carrying Muslim children had rocks thrown at it.
A 12 yo girl called a radio station talkback and was just about in tears because she and her freinds thought WW3 might break out. The DJ handled it very well, to his credit.

As much as I want the perpetrators brought to justice, I will not be the one to judge anyone. I hope you encourage your friends to do the same and calm anyone you see who acts irresponsibly.

I hope the world powers work this one out. The last thing we need is vigilante groups administering punishment to whomever they choose. I admire Bush's speaches to this effect.

Murray 06000047
Just increasing my post count
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?