It's like the historians say, the winners write the history books, and decide the difference between a lawless coup and a glorious revolution. Don't know for sure about Bin Laden, but sure sounds logical. Bush Sr. & Reagan both supported Afghans in their freedom fight against Soviets... diff. world then.

What I still can't completely grasp is why they hate us so.... can't imagine Americans dancing in the streets (see THAT video yesterday?) after an unprovoked attack like this in Mid-East. We have a perspective gap... that's where we need to look for the fix ....retaliatory airstrikes don't made a dent in solving this one. Military action to remedy this sort of ongoing hatred is like treating a virus with a sledgehammer.

Mk2-12G Blue (Now A/R Green)
Cheers, -Doug Morrison Mk2-32G Back light buttons, Neon red screen