I am still angry, and want swift action. I do not literally want to go in to Afganistan and level the place, I do want military action. I think that the United States is fairly certain that he is personally responsible for this horrible action and I want him dead.

This does present some problems. Killing him will likely not change much. He is well connected, and has many well trained recruits in some two dozen other countries. It is unlikely that terrorism will simply go away with Bin Laden gone. Their way of thinking will still exist.

The only way we can be sure would be to wipe out the entire 'species' and the United States would be no better than the Nazi's, back in their day with the hallocaust. So that option is out.

If I understand their way of thinking, then the only way to end all of this is to pull our troops out of that region of the world. That is one main point that angers them, that Western influences are 'disrupting' the Muslim world. But we can't do that either and survive with our own way of life. Madmen like Sadam would then control the worlds supply of oil, and many of us westerners rely heavily on that oil.

My point? I dont see any end to this. Maybe thats why I am not an elected political official.. but killing that madman will make me feel better. I still want his head on a stick, complete with an apple in his mouth.


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