The easiest way to install ds2 on the empeg on 2.0 is first downgrade to 1.03, use emplode to upload ds2b2.mp3 to the empeg, then reinstall v2.0 developer-image. After that, connect empeg over serial and start empackager. It should find the file and start the install-program
To install the new executable :
- open hyperterm and start shell

# rw

# rwm

# cd /tmp

- use send-file option in hyperterm to send file ds2b2.mp3

# cd /opt/ds2b2

- check if you are in the right dir

# ls -l

if you see this line :

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 95783 Oct 4 22:48 ds2

it means you've got the old beta2 version
move the old executable :

# mv ds2 ds2.old

- copy the new one to the dir :

# cp /tmp/ds2 ds2

- make the new file executable :

# chmod +x ds2

- check the new file

# ls -l

- output should look like this:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 93103 Oct 24 23:46 ds2

- remount the disks ro :

# ro; rom ( or rom;ro. I think ro only is sufficient to remount all disks ro, haven't checked)

- reboot empeg (pull plug)

Edited by fvgestel (25/10/2001 12:16)
Frank van Gestel