I have DirecTiVo, a co-worker has ReplayTV

I know of no one who bought a Replay TV and actually lived to tell of the experience.

Hows that for a product!!!

Just kidding...

The Tivo Forum is truly one of the best"free" perks that accompany the Tivo... Or rather, the information contained within it... That and the fact that the developers of it are hackers at heart. Oh, the stories that (I can't tell) from the beta groups..... And don't get me started on Tridge and the underground......

Best damn product I've bought 4 times.

Not including the Empeg... I couldn't give up either, and would probably fight more for the empeg, esp. now, but honestly....

I CAN listen to CD's in someone elses car. I have a HELL of a time watching tv without the Tivo in the loop. Most of the time, I simply won't.

Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.