Tivo or other video recording device
Now you tell me, after I voted no, due to owning a DishPlayer :-P
I dislike DirecTV, so I went with Dish a while back. Then I bought the DishPlayer when they had it for dirt cheap before they finished the PVR software (mine could pause only for the first two months). Then one night, it asked if I wanted PVR. It did cost extra initially, ($10 a month), but Dish now has it so that if one is activated, no charges apply, as their new PVR unit also has no extra charge.
One of the things I did early on was upgrade the drive to a 40gb from the origional 8, (A simple swapout, just like a computer. Plus no warranty seals...). It saw the new drive, and downloaded the software it needed. I've had one issue where it wiped all my data, but according to some forms I browsed about it, it was caused by keeping the player too full on that big of a drive with the current software. Since then, I have had only a glitch or two beyond that, well within my acceptable range for a device like that.
The biggest thing that I like is that it has no quality loss. And I'm glad MS didn't release an UltimateTV ad in the listing patch for it. It's just too bad the You Don't Know Jack episodes on mine are no longer updated, those were fun on the TV.