Only problem is the g'friend is pregnant so her weight is now SIGNIFICANTLY different than it was a couple of months ago.

Wendy filter weight & retina scan?

This is THE software release of the decade!
I've been playing with the re-tagging functions in emplode more than anything else. If only there were tag editing SW that worked this well and this easily! (hint)

Only had one problem. During a sync I got a report that there were errors in the meta data of two files. emplode hung while fixing it but the player restarted. I had to kill off emplode and re-run it. I synced again (with no changes) & all was ok. Don't know quite what caused it.

This was sooo worth the wait. And the threats to Tony!

new styleee
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?