> Tetris?

Go for it. BUT.. the current Tetris is a userland program, and I have not (yet) added hooks for launching such from within the kernel code. And even if you manage to launch it, it will interfere with the player: they'll both compete for the user-interface.

But if you mean to move tetris into the kernel, then no problem, even with the player running. But you may want to look at the tetris code (I have not) and perhaps think of clever ways to reduce its memory footprint first. Kernel memory is precious.

What I kind of envision is to have an alternate userland interface for IR (buttons) and display updates, so that we can launch (somehow) a userland app like tetris, and have it "hijack" the user-interface (like BreakOut does, same hooks), and not have to compete with the player software for the display etc.. This will involve adding perhaps a new "hijack" device to the kernel, which can be opened by tetris etc.. while the player software continues running on the "normal" device interface.

II definitely will NOT have time to continue with that this week though. Volunteers?


Edited by mlord on 22/10/01 02:34 PM.