In the thought pattern of all this.... i have a question about emplode for the empeg guys...

How hard would it be to modify emplode to be able to do what it does on the empeg database (as far as modifying tags) to files on the hard drive?

I know the song info is kept seperate on the empeg and all that, and that you guys aren't in the game to make a tag editor... but the functionality you've built into emplode for tag manipulation is kick ass and it would make sense to be able to modify all the tags on your hard drive before uploading them to the player. Then we wouldn't have the situation that a lot of people seem to be in where they made a ton of tag changes on the empeg and don't wanna have to do it again should they loose their data on the empeg. I know there are other taggers and all the other goodies i'm sure i'll be told negate the need for such a thing, but i'm just purely curious what it would take to get emplode to be able to tag files before uploading. Any ideas?
|| loren ||