People who insist on driving with their foglights on when it's not foggy. It seems to be the latest craze here. I don't know whether they think it looks good or whether they've genuinely left them on since the last foggy spell. Whatever the real reason they just look like they're missing a bit in the intelligence dept. and have left them on. Aside from the fact that they blind oncoming traffic it's also illegal here in England to have them on when it's not foggy.
Wrongly adjusted headlights.
Road planners who decide that 3 lanes this side of the traffic lights should suddenly become 2 lanes on the other side or that a lane should suddenly change it's meaning half way round a roundabout.
Lanes marked on the road surface and no other signs so that you can't see what lane you need to be in because the vehicles queued up in front of you are covering the markings.
Badly designed roads with adverse cambers on bends & roundabouts just to make it easy for Motorcyclists to fall off in the ice.
Speed limits.
Other people using MY road

People who don't consider others.
MS Windows scrolling Start Menu. (I know this is easy to fix but it shouldn't be like it in the first place. it was fine the way it was).
Menus in MS apps that hide the things you haven't used recently. (Again menus were fine the way they were).
Apps that don't stick to the standard controls & interface conventions (like Ulead VideoStudio).
Miniscule (or complete lack of) paper manuals for software.
Middlemen making extortionate profit when the poor manufacturer is being screwed into the ground.
Noisy children.
Noisy neighbours.
That's about it for now. You probably think I'm some kind of psycho anyway by now

. Now where did I put my Valiummmmmm?...