Guys - not really much of a stars wars visual anymore is it?

So we've got song title and artist perspectivising back into the distance, probably with some sort of starfield to reinforce the idea of motion. Then we've got the text reversing and coming out of the screen to give the idea of driving over the words. Now the words become a racetrack that moves from left to right with the music, and FFTs are used to generate automatic potholes and dogs running across the road with each hi-hat hit. Then if that's not enough as the music gets really exciting, not only does the car speed up, but random fighting stickmen throw themselves into the road to join in the fun, the whole thing becomes a sound generated roller coaster, and finally the stickmen become boxers and fight each other to the death at which point the track ends and the imaginary vehicle in which we have been travelling over this bizarre scene bursts into flames before magically repairing itself in a split second ready to start the next track.

Give me a couple of days and I'll see what I can throw together, but I think my dog algorithm is a little flakey at the moment.