I did not notice that there were CDATA sections in the XML document

Whoops ... that might have been my bad, as I had brought up a CDATA concern (not major though).

My understanding is that Character Data (or perhaps Parsed Character Data) would necessraily be the text in between the tag start-and-end pair, or CDATA as an attribute value, natch.

But, yes, it's true, no explicit CDATA sections! Not needed anyway, IMHO.

I had not yet kicked around the XML handling in Excel (too busy with XML Spy and all that). Nice! Thanks for that pointer.

Hmm. Y'think folks would appreciate someone whipping up an XML Schema to match what Roger has done? Or is it unnecessary? (If it's wanted, yes, Joe silently raises his hand to do the deed.)
-- JD - SN# 040104008 (120GB Blue, Digital Out)