Am I the only person that actually likes to listen to albums as they were initially intended to be presented?

I've considered this...

On one hand, obviously the producer and artist intended for the album to be heard a particular way.

On the other hand, maybe the band only really liked 5 of their songs, and put in the rest because an album can't only have 5 songs on it.

In the past, I made myself listen to the whole album just to get the whole experience of it. And also so I didn't have to change CDs all the time while driving and endanger myself and others.

But now, I've decided, screw it, why listen to songs I don't like? I'll keep the whole album on the empeg to maintain the integrity of the "album", but if I don't like a song, I'm deleting it from my playlist.
Nick Farina -- [blue]Blue 10gb Mk2[/blue]