Hmm. This post is starting to look like a FAQ entry. Maybe I should put it in there?
Actually it looks like another post you put up about the same subject weeks ago. Verbatim.

I guess that's going to happen quite a bit.
Time to expand that FAQ with some more common answers to recent posts. Within a couple of days/weeks I think we'll see a lot more people posting nothing but "FAQ" with a link.
I did want people to register, and we've had an amazing turn out this week. But damn, the S/N has decreased a bit and there are now way too many posts for me to reliably catch up with.
Having an organized hierarchy of artists is an invaluable asset. I don't know how some people work without it. I can't see having only some of the more simple schemes I've seen. this might work for a handful of albums, but I couldn't stand it with my collection (450-500 = 5900 tracks). I've now also made use of the fact that the playlist ordering isn't forced toalphabetic if you don't want it to be. I've yet to rename artist playlists to put the word "the" at the begining though. I really do hope the player's soup view engine deals with this nicely.
I love the fact that I can completely disagree with the way someone has their player set up - and still set mine up the way *I* want to. Flexibility like this is very much "a good thing."