>I just installed v107, looks awesome.
>Some buttons on my remote seem to not work now
>(i.e. visual, short click menu, and volume).
>Do I need to set something?

Mmmm I have not seen that problem, except for the general beta7 issue where all of the buttons sometimes lock up.

But I did find some other bugs, most specifically one to do with AC/DC power detection: Running kftpd allowed me to browse /proc/empeg_power and there it thought it was on DC when my dock had it on AC.. Ooops. Fixed that one, and a couple other small ones.

Version v108 is now out, the best of the v100+ series thus far. I recommend that everybody upgrade to this number.

Also new in v108, the directory listings from kftpd are now much more complete than before, even to the point of showing symlink targets. But I still get some kftpd lockups (everything is fine if you don't actually connect to kftpd, though), so there's still work to be done there.

ftp 91

(replace with correct IP address).

Hijack v108 is available now from http://empeg-hijack.sourceforge.net

Edited by mlord (07/01/2002 16:20)