When I mentioned the PDA thing, I was not in favor of making a toaster, handwarmer, mp3 player, PDA, coffee maker, etc. I was just suprised they had Linux up and running on the Riot.
I had just read about embedded linux on PDAs. The digicam offload idea is good but there are some many different interfaces. My primary digital camera is a Nikon D1H with firewire only. I also have 995 with usb only.
If you want to see a mess for a swiss army knife PDA. Look at the Handspring. None of the hardware plugins are worth the price. The plugin memory is high$ compared to CF.
I just thought a hard drive based PDA would be really nice. it may get there yet with Microdirves.
By the way, Sandisk is coming out with a 1 GB CF (solid state) for anyone interested. In fine mode, you could store some 400 pictures/card.