BTW, on-topic for the forum, but offtopic for this thread... You going to have some cycles to play around with your empTriv soon? I have yet to install any extras on my player and figured it could be interesting.

Well, the beta I released way back when is fully functional, provided you're Linux-savy enough to get it installed.. (FTP it over, unzip it, put it in your startup/init script.) Many people complained that it didn't have an easy install (and if you don't have developer image installed, you're basically SOL), so the one thing it really needs now is to use some kind of common Empeg "easy install" program. I don't know if I have that kind of project in me right now with work and grad school, but I heard someone was working on a nice easy Empeg installer.

The one thing I did want to add is a few hundred more Simpsons questions I downloaded, and I wanted to tweak the scoring a bit. But I switched gears and did some work on an alarm clock app last weekend... I have difficulty focusing on one task, as you can probably tell by the fact that I was ed in a heated debate with a Klan member instead of working on my school project or developing Empeg stuff tonight.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff