
You envision the government of the US as the heart and soul of the country by calling people 'burdens' of the government. The people are the heart and soul of the country in America. With out the people, there would be no powerful government or powerful military. I guess it's an understandable mistake since you live in a socialist society.


When my ancestors came, they were welcome. There was room. They weren't a threat to the country. Nobody back then came with malicious intentions. Now it's a problem. Imagine a elevator where when you get on there's only two other people on it with you. Then it starts to fill up. It fills up where no more can fit comfortably. Are you going to gladly welcome the next guy to get in? What if you think he might have a bomb strapped to him? Maybe not all foreigners should be kicked out, but it's getting ridiculous. Something has to be done. Like for starters, if they come here to go to school, we need to check on them and make sure they really are going to school.

Didn't you see Pakistani's dancing in the streets on tv after the attacks? Tell me why we should just let them come and go as they please?


No I didn't say that state religion is ok as long as it's mine. Remember the outcry from the left when Ashcroft was appointed Attorney General because he was a christian? What should he do, give up his beliefs while he's in office? The government shouldn't sponsor or hold back any particular religion, but it gets ridiculous when people attack government employees for having personal beliefs.