Oh to be gifted with such a simple view of the world. I'm sure the hijackers simply just "hated" The United Sates. Yeah, that's it.

Again, I point you to the fact, that the biggest criminals you have in your country are raised and born Americans. Most of them haven't had the chance to perpetrate any mass-scale atrocities, I'll grant you that. The biggest burdens in your country, are your own home-raised problems. Not people coming in from other countries legally. These statements go back to what you originally said. You can't twist topics around to change that fact.

If your attitudes gain prevalence, you'll find that most "foreigners" entering your country will "hate" the United States. They won't be there to cause trouble. They'll more than likely be there on business and will be itching to get the hell out.

Maybe you can begin investing in a project to wall up your borders and eliminate all foreign travel (that includes US citizens leaving the country).


Besides, without "foreigners" what would the state of music be like in the United States? Everyone would be stuck listening to the crap you've been quoting from Vanilla Ice. Oh wait, no they wouldn't. The only reason he managed to record anything was by ripping off talent from the UK. I guess you'd still have all your wonderful cultural ditties about 5.0 Mustangs and 9mm hand guns - just with very little in the way of background rhythm.

BTW, nice US flag. Still see you're ripping off other people's artwork and bandwidth. Great way to demonstrate the American Way. Lucky I know enough true Americans to know better.
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