Remember boys and girls... speed kills...

naw... That's a common Falsehood.

It's the sudden stops that get you. Speed, no problem...

I'm spoiled by living in the south. We don't (yet) have the congestion that makes it so unsafe around here. There are a couple of places here that I've bumped the speed limiter (damn it) without worrying about safety. Worrying about Cops... That's another post, but frankly, if you are driving that fast, you damn well better be worried. I get over 90, and everything starts to be real aware. Push 120 and I'm hyperintense.

Which is good, because if I'm looking THAT much for cops, I'm also looking that much for ANYTHING that might be a problem.

Pursuit courses via US Army Military Police helps.
Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.