Trust me, you don't want a removable front panel.

I had a CD player with a removable front panel, it got stolen anyway. The only truly secure way is to take your stereo completely out of the car so that there's nothing to steal.

I take an extra step: I have a cover piece that covers up the "hole" where the stereo used to be, so that, to a thief looking at the car, it looks like the car doesn't even have a stereo at all.

My car was very secure this way for years, and it didn't get ripped off. Then I upgraded the stereo to a removable-faceplate model and it was ripped off within a year.

May I suggest a Case Logic PDC-1 bag to carry your Empeg around in?

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris