I've seen some pretty elaborate setups with "stealth" installations like mine (and, now, yours). I saw a Honda Accord in a stereo magazine with some nifty features. The dealer blanking plate was spring-loaded, so that when the owner pulled out the full-pull-out CD player, it snapped into place. Then there was a key-locked box in the trunk that was welded to the car frame- if the owner didn't want to lug the stereo around, he locked it in there. The compartment was well-concealed so that a thief wouldn't see it even if he broke in. The car had a complex amp/speaker setup, all concealed under upholstery so that a thief couldn't see anything, even if he had broken into the car already and was looking for stuff to steal. It was quite cool.

Hmmm. I wonder if the car got stolen in its entirety :-)

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Mike Crowe