A couple of comments:

In reply to:

2. Address the issue of a [optional] xslt file to allow some browsers to format/process the XML as HTML or whatever the XSLT does [automatically], on the Client-Side.

Without an xslt file, the xml would not be very useful to a browser. It would be fine for some other application that did it's own xml parsing and querying, but a plain xml file would have no "a" links to navigate the playlists. So, at least for a browser, an xslt file would be pretty much required.

I don't have any problems with an "&xslt=" parameter, but I know that I would only use a file local to the empeg, and wouldn't want to change files during the browsing of a playlist. If you did, you could actually make an xslt file request a different xslt file for certain playlists, but changing the "a" tag for that playlist. When this might be cool is if we had a repository of xslt files on the web somewhere and everyone could very easily see what other people have done, and whether they work on their platform. That would be cool. A "default" stylesheet is definitely a good idea. It'd be best if we didn't have to specify a parameter, if we wanted to use a default stylesheet. Especially now that there is the http://your.empeg/?playlists alias.

One thing about a client choosing or not choosing to process the stylesheet... I'm not sure how you would do this. That I know of, there is no way to tell IE not to process a stylesheet if there is a stylesheet reference in it. If there was a stylesheet reference, it requests the stylesheet and processes the output. Note that if the stylesheet doesn't exist where the reference says it does, you get an error in IE. Again, in other, non-browser client applications, you could definitely choose whether to process the stylesheet.

I may try this in Mozilla. I'm suprised it doesn't work. They've either dropped support for the draft spec of XSLT, or they don't handle xml, which would be really suprising.

If I find something out / make it work. I'll post the results.


P.S. Last comment: Go Pats!