Humm, really thought I posted this before, but it never showed up. Maybe I didn't hit that last Continue.

I checked out the Mozilla website. Apparently, they offer no legacy support of the XSLT working draft spec. As IE5/5.5 came out before the spec was finalized, their support is the working draft spec. IE6 supports both.

How to change the stylesheet to the 1.0 XSLT spec.

Change the XSLT namespace attribute value from: to:

Also, a version attribute must be added to the xsl:stylsheet tag. So, right after the XSLT namespace, put version="1.0". That should do it. I haven't actually tested this in Mozilla, but I did test in in IE6, and it should work the same, as they both go to the 1.0 XSLT spec.

Let me know what you find.
