I did get the 5250. There is a slight buzz (VERY slight) but only when the backlight is on. I have the backlight set to 8 seconds, so it is gone real quick.

I was thinking about signing up for the Ringers & More service after I get situated with the phone.... hmm.. I still think it is silly that I can't make my own or do it for free.

I ended up getting the plan with Web, Voice Command and all that other stuff thrown in. Ends up it was cheaper for me because of the minutes I needed.

Oh, what is BB notification and how did you set it up? I had web alerts through YaHoo! (News Breaks and Local Weather) set on my phone, but every time I do - after about a week - it starts sending them ALL THE TIME! So I figured, if I need weather, I can just go to weather.com on the browser.

Thanks again for the recommendation. You're the only other user I know to have noticed that the original TouchPoint had a great chip!
Brad B.