> Yes, a lot of the time the existing software has no concept of "next playlist", but it should have!

No, it shouldn't.

The way the player works now is meaningful and clear, at this regard.

If I decide I want to listen to Pink Floyd playlist, it means that I want to listen to Pink Floyd playlist. Period. I does not mean I want to listen to Pink Floyd AND something else, whatever that something esle may be.

If I decide I want to listen to Pink Floyd playlist and something else, I'll select Pink Floyd Playlist and something else. It's easy to do also while driving.

I do prefer that the player stops rather than it continues with something I may not want or like or feel like listening to, since THAT is disturbing much more than unwanted silence, which you can easily turn into music in one click. If you happen to listen to something you did not want to, your mood gets changed, the atmosphere gets changed, it is frustrating, and annoying, and there is little you can do at that point.

Inserting rather than replacing: Definitely good as is now, too. If you want to CUE something after what you are currently listening, then you most likely have time and you can afford a long press. If you want to replace what you're currently listeing to, it means you want to change NOW, you don't care about waiting the song end, so a simple click is faster and way better.

So, I agree with Rob.

Empeg behavior should stay as is, since empeg is NOT a cd changer and that's one of its strenghts. The way empeg works now is more elegant, refined, respectful of the user than what you are proposing. I do not want a machine that goes in an endless loop, unless when I want it to do so, on specific occasions.

HiJack option: great idea. All OPTIONS, being such, are great ideas: they add extra features without compromising the old ones, and I have really nothing against a feature I will never use

= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg