wfaulk, I was making a comment on Mark's post, I apologise if I was not clear in that.
At to your specific request, that is keeping the player aware of "playlists" in several occasions, and have fuctions operating on them as a whole (next playlist, skip playlist, etc), well I totally agree and actually the thread of few days ago concerning the concept of "album" that I also was supporting was in the end exactly about that.
Still, in my reply to Mark, I was pointing out someting different, (in reply to what Mark said): I do not want the player to do anything when it reaches the end of playlists, since it is the end of playlists. If I wanted to, I would have done so that that is not the end of the playlists

And in this I totally agree with Tony. If you want your player to play endlessly, there are easy ways to do it already now.
And I do not want to change the insert/replace behavior for the reasons I said in my other posts.
These both are things that you were not proposing at all, if I am not mistaken. If I am, sorry about that, but at least I hope it is clear what I meant, now