Anyone who thinks that the a university undergraduate program give you mastery of the skills learned there is sorely mistaken. It's to give you the skills needed to learn from, and without a broad base to learn from, you get pigeon holed into an area of programming that might not be best suited for your skills. Personally I'm not a low-level programmer, in fact, I prefer Perl over any other language.. That doesn't make the skills I learned from programming assembler useless.. I didn't say that everyone should be a master of every language did I? I just said that as an undergraduate, multiple levels of knowledge are needed.. To better understand the weaknesses of languages, you need to know what differences there are..

I fear the people who say Java is the best programming language out there, because they are showing that they know jack about programming languages.. No one language is the best, they are only the best for specific purposes.. If your architect person claims that everything should be made out of concrete, would you believe them? They might claim that if that's the only material they were taught about.. Lets hope that architects are taught about wood and metal too.. perhaps how laminated wood beams are constructed, so they know they can use them to make large open areas where solid wood beams aren't strong enough..