You're right. vi is the best, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be familiar with emacs, notepad, pico, etc.
Once, in a training class, one of my classmates asked the instructor where he could find a copy of emacs on the training system. The instructor told him that it wasn't available and that he should just use vi. The ``student'' then sat on his hands and refused to do anything until provided with an emacs binary. I hope that he was spending his own money, or, at least, got fired by whoever paid for the class.
The moral of that story isn't that emacs people are snobs, but that one should know how to get around in every common editor. I consider myself a vi expert (which means that I know more than 25% of its features

) but I'm also good enough to get around in emacs, and I know that pico will insert carriage returns when I haven't told it to.