Err, the patch isn't creating any files. It is modifying two files that should already be present. I just checked the patch and it looks good. Maybe you weren't supplying the -p1 parameter?

cd kernel
cd hijack-246
patch -p1 <../volboost246.patch

The bassboost has got me stumped. Just for kicks, try supplying 0 as a parameter. I could'a got the logic reversed! And I've been out for a coupla beeeeeeeeers, so I'm not going to check now.

It's highly unlikely that it'd be added to the hijack menu. The main reason is the extremely limited flash resources available. I virtually had to beg Mark for 12 bits of flash in total for storing bass and treble settings for both AC and DC modes! (Yes, each setting is stored in 3 bits...) *
Secondly, although this is a little awkward to configure, it should only need to be done once, and maybe tweaked a bit later if you decide you really wanted another +1 on the FM mode after all. ie, it shouldn't be a dynamic setting (unlike the bass or treble which can vary by song).

If Mark finds 100 bytes of flash stashed away somewhere then obviously there will quite a few candidates trying to use it in preference to config.ini values, but until then the flash will be reserved for the most deserving cases

* Well, maybe 'begging' is a bit strong. I asked for 24 bits and got 12....
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.