If you download Audiotools from unrelatedinventions.com, that will give you your multi- timer recording to MP3 and loads of other useful stuff as well, through your soundcard.

The previous contributor has suggested how to use a remote to change stations.

Or, what I did was to use reed relays to emulate the preset buttons on my tuner and a bank of the very simplest of 24 hour timers (3 for £10) to operate the relays, retuning (approximately) sometime before you want to record.

1. It's not much use if you have two programmes on different stations, one immediately after another. You would need to invest in digital timers for that.

2. You need something to reduce the current from mains to a suitable voltage to operate the reed relays. In my case, we had just changed the office mobiles from Erickson to Nokia and had a heap of plug tops, one for each timer.

3. All this is in the past, as in the UK, I can do all that you require in digital broadcasting, using a Wavefinder, which is a DAB receiver that interfaces with your PC.
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