I'd have to disagree with you there Doug. If I'd done a couple of CDs at a time, I'd probably never have finished by now.
I took my
entire CD collection into work (all 200-300 CDs), and while I was working during the day, I'd have EAC rip each CD to WAV. By skipping the encoding step, I was able to rip about 12 CDs a day, meaning that it took just over a month to do all of them. I'd have done more, but the PC didn't have that much disk space in it.
I'd then set an encoder going overnight, so that the tracks were ready to be loaded on my empeg in the morning.
As for the order, I guess I did them fairly randomly -- I did the compilation CDs first, though.
Of course, I then had to take the CD collection home again -- having that many CDs lying around is just too tempting for people testing the Rio Central, and I could never keep track of where my CDs had gone

Since then, I've probably bought another 100 or so CDs, but I can do them in batches of 5 or so.