I'd have to disagree with you there Doug.Nah, I think Doug's on the money (though I was expecting him to say he did a statistical analysis of the frequency each CD was played, correlated to the probability of wanting to listen to that CD again in the near future

), at least for people who don't have the luxury of ripping CDs at work. I have a monitor, keyboard and mouse at my desk -- I have no clue where the actual machine is, let alone whether or not it's got a CDROM on it (I use an SGI octane at work).
I drop in a CD when I wake up in the morning and start it ripping/encoding while I go to work. I don't have a really large HD, so I don't want to/can't maintain multiple CDs worth of WAV files. When I get home, I start another one, and do a third or fourth before I go to bed. I have three sections on my shelf of CDs -- ones already ripped, ones to be rippped, and ones that I need to re-rip.