I know this subject has been brought up several times now (I've actually re-read the former threads about it !

), but I've still got to ask you guys some questions/opinions :
I've finally bit the bullet and want to silence my PC. I know noise free is utopia, but I'm willing to go pretty far with this. The PC is in the same room where I study and I want to get it so quiet as to a point where the noise coming from the PC is no longer bothering me while studying. This surely isn't the case now!
In my case there are 4 fans : one in the PSU, one on the CPU, one on the videocard and one in front of the HD's. All make a fair amount of noise.
Now, I'll probably buy a lot of stuff from
QuietPC.com. I'll start with a new
PSU These ones are supposed to only make 27dB worth of noise. Pretty quiet! One drawback : the max wattage they have is 300watts. My current is PSU is 340Watts. Should this make a big difference? (contents of my PC : intel 850 mobo, i1.8A CPU, 2Hd's, cd-reader & cd-writer, floppy, videocard (Gforce3 TI200), soundcard (audigy), NIC and adaptec 2904 SCSI card (for cd drives). I'm asking this because I upgrade my system fairly frequently and I don't want to get into troubles once I have a system that breaks the 2Ghz barrier (which will happen in the near future now). The website of quitePC only makes mention of a caveat when using AMD 1.9+ CPU's so I guess I'm pretty safe? Note : I ONLY use intel CPU's. I avoid AMD like the plague. I gather Intel CPU's are not so power hungry, so I should be golden for a fairly good period?
I'll probably leave the CPU cooler as-is (for now). The standard Intel cooler is actually pretty quiet by itself. I may upgrade it once this
Super Silent 4 is available in July.
Next the cooler in front of the HD. I plan on buying one or two of
these, maybe in combination with the Fanmate Variable Fan Speed Controller.
The idea of using the
Silentdrive enclosure is pretty dead for me because I use 7200RPM drives and I just don't trust this enclosure to conduct enough unwanted heat not to damage my HD's. Or maybe I could use those in combination with an ultra quiet fan blowing air onto them ? I just don't know yet. What do you guys think?
Then, the one I believe will be the biggest problem : the fan of the video card. This tiny little bugger makes a HELL of a lot of noise! It's an Asus 8200 Gforce3Ti 200 videocard. Not a bad card, but I plan on replacing it with a Matrox Parhelia once those become available (I've been a Matrox fan for years now, but my G400Max became old and since there was no new option from Matrox at that time, I was forced to turn to Nvidia) .
I've only found a few options like
this or
this one, but I'm not sure they provide enough cooling for those hot Gforce3 GPU's. I don't even know if they will fit! Anyone tried this yet?
I woud like to find a little, quiet fan to put on the Gforce GPU in replacement of the one on there now, but I haven't found one yet. Keep in mind that the current video card cooler also covers the videocard's RAM. Any suggestions?
Then finally I intend to apply this
Powersnooze acoustic damping on the inside of my case. I believe this wil also help a great deal in lessening the noise level.
This is basically what I have in mind. Any suggestions are most welcome! Just on an additional note : I run my hardware at their designed specs! No overclocking whatsoever!
BTW, I've also heard that water cooled systems are very quiet. Anybody have any exprience with this?