Yes I have made both my existing DVD ROM drives Region free by upgrading the firmware. One is a IBM Thinkpad DVD drive (acutally a Toshiba DVD drive) the other a Samsung drive in my Dell PC.
Down this part of the world its almost de-riguer to have a Region Free DVD player as there are so few DVD Region 4 movies available to buy or rent, so most people have a mixture of Region 1 (US etc) and/or Region 2 (UK & Europe) DVDs hence the need for a multi-zone player.
In fact the only DVDs I own that are Region 4 is the Sopranos Season 1 DVD set.
re: Firmware site - the one menitoned by yn0t_ is the site I use, however not all the most revent DVD's drives (especially the combo ones) have hacked firmware available yet.
There is even a 'how to patch DVD drive firmware' arcticle there if you look in the right place.
I was more hoping that someone who has one of the Combo drives could indicate if they have loaded hacked firmware to make it region free.